

In execution of the provisions established by the Italian Legislative Decree dated 8th June 2001, no. 231 about “Administrative liability of legal entities, companies and associations, also lacking corporate status,” the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Organisation, Management and Control Model of RAMCRO S.p.A. and its Code of Ethics by resolution dated 3rd December 2018.

The Code of Ethics and the Organisation, Management and Control Model represent another milestone along the path aiming at promoting a behaviour that is ethical and law-abiding, being aware that institutional integrity is a primary value for the Company.

Along the above-mentioned path, RAMCRO intends to comply with all applicable national and international regulations, including anti-corruption (e.g.: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Bribery Act, Italian Legislative Decree D.Lgs. 231/2001), as well as occupational health and safety, and environmental standards.

Whistleblowing reports can be submitted by employees, third parties, members of corporate bodies and stakeholders in a confidential form with guarantee of absolute confidentiality through special IT platform that can be reached at the following address: